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IB Integration Course Rostock

Welcome to the Integration Course at the Rostock Language Institute!

As a team at the Rostock Language Institute, we are more than just an educational institution. We are a place where we gather together, learn and make some intercultural exchange. Supported by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), we offer high-quality integrational courses that not only give you the opportunity to learn German language, but also successfully integrate into German society. 

Our Course Content and Structure

Our integration course is based according to the guidlines of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). We offer 600 hours of German language instruction and 100 hours of orientation course. In our intensive language courses, all aspects of the German language are covered, ranging from articulation to vocabulary, grammar, language understanding, communicative competence.

As part of the orientation course, you will get insights into Germany´s social life, culture, and legal system. Topics such as work and profession, housing, health, upbringing, and education take center stage. We want not only to teach you the language but also to prepare you for life in Germany and guide you with the necessary knowledge for successful integration.

At the end of the basic and advanced courses, the DTZ exam (German Test for Immigrants) takes place. You can complete the course with A2, A1, or B1 levels. After the orientation course (Politics course), you will take the „Life in Germany“- Test (LID test).

What sets us apart:

  • Experienced teachers:
    Our highly qualified teachers will support you with great enthusiasm and dedication to their work.

  • Good planning:
    Classes take place in the mornings and afternoons from Monday to Friday, giving you the greatest flexibility. (20 to 25 teaching units per week.)

  • Intercultural exchange:
    Moreover to language instruction, we provide opportunities for intercultural exchange and new social contacts.

Contact us: 

We look forward to meeting you in person and telling you more about our integration course. Contact us today for more information and to register.

Together we will start your exciting and successful learning journey!


Susanne Scheele
Teamleitung Sprachinstitut Rostock
Mobil: 0160 92523484


Language Institute Rostock
Albrecht-Tischbein-Straße 48
18109 Rostock


Susanne Scheele
Teamleitung Sprachinstitut Rostock
Mobil: 0160 92523484
Language Institute Rostock
Albrecht-Tischbein-Straße 48
Zur Routenplanung

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